Services Offered
Job development process/Customized Employment
Our Career Coordinator will meet with you to assess your job needs and provide information on the benefits of our job development process. All job candidates we refer have been thoroughly assessed to ensure they meet your company requirements.
Customized employment may explore job creation as an option for duties that are needed by the employer that are not tied to specific job descriptions. Job development includes a full assessment of the task, which is used to match the most qualified candidate to the job.
Ongoing support and Job Coaching
Job Coaches will be available to supplement the training and support your company provides. Job Coaches act as an additional resource to your company for any additions support the employee might need. Using your policies and procedures and the employee’s job description, Job Coaches provide support to the employee until they are able to meet performance criteria set by the employer. Initial job coaching may be intensive at first and then fade to periodic support based on the employee’s need.
How can your company benefit?
Paid Internship
Employers may receive wage reimbursement funded by Alta California Regional Center. This reimbursement covers up to 1040 hours of wages, payroll costs, and mandated employer costs toward hiring an individual with a developmental disability.
Southside Employment Services will provide assistance to your company in navigating the Paid Internship process.
Employer Tax Credit
The Work Opportunity Tax Credit is a Federal tax credit available to employers for hiring individuals from certain target groups who have consistently faced significant barriers to employment.
Your business can earn a tax credit of 25% or 40% of the new employee’s first-year wages for those who qualify.